
Take 5 with Maria Cowley, Acting Regional Manager at Service NSW

Written by Guest User | Oct 19, 2020 5:39:25 AM

Take 5 with Pioneera is a series of micro interviews with key business leaders on wellness, leadership, productivity and workplace culture.

This week we’re taking 5 with Maria Cowley, Acting Regional Manager at Service NSW.

Maria is a passionate people leader. She spent 12 years leading teams at IAG, six of them as an Area Sales Manager. She now leads a team to support the people of NSW with various services and State Government initiatives. Maria has an innate passion for people and customers, and enjoys the challenge of developing and leading people to success.

Welcome, Maria!

1. What does your workday routine look like?

I start my day with a beautifully brewed Turkish coffee!  I also love listening to podcasts as I'm getting ready for work - currently loving the Emotions Mentor podcast. I then begin the work day by checking in for any important communications that need to be actioned, making sure I'm prepared for any meetings that are scheduled for the day and touching base with various team members for 1:1's or BAU routines.

2. How do you stay focused and maintain a positive mindset when things get crazy busy?

Admittedly, I have always needed to manage a tendency to be reactive to things which can really easily throw off plans. When I feel like things are getting a little crazy, I make a conscious effort to pause and regroup my thoughts on what the priorities are - being realistic about what's within your control and what's not. But my best way of maintaining a positive mindset is to reach out to my team or peers, bounce around ideas and get a sense check.

3. What are your three must-haves for a healthy work-life integration?

This is a challenging one for me!  I've been really lucky with the roles I've held over the last 15 years or so where I really love what I do - so I'm a little bit of a work junkie! I'm someone who tends to check emails and other internal communication tools way outside of traditional work hours.  However, I love to switch off each night for at least an hour or two before bed with some entertaining TV. Netflix!

4. What’s your top tip for creating a thriving workplace culture?

For me, a great workplace culture really comes down to genuine trust.  When people feel trusted, they feel empowered. That leads to people owning their role, feeling like they're adding value and contributing in a meaningful way.  It also allows people to feel safe to be vulnerable.  Where they can speak out if they are unsure or need guidance. Trust for me is truly the key to a great workplace culture.

5. How do you bounce back when things don’t go as planned?

I think this really comes down to owning the outcome. If things haven't gone to plan because I could have done things differently, it's important to own it, realise it and work to understand how to get a different outcome in future.  It's about being honest with yourself, pull on the people around you to help if needed and focus on what's within your control. And of course, don't dwell on things or get stuck in the blame game!

This conversation was brought to you by Pioneera.

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