Have you ever received a package in the mail like this?
We couldn’t help but laugh. This poor parcel, covered in tape, squished, with a hole or two but proudly displaying a “NOT DAMAGED” sticker!
The first thought that came to mind was:
We tell ourselves and our colleagues that we’re fine.
Maybe we’re a little squished for time, perhaps working overtime to hold it together, we’re juggling a few too many plates, but we are doing alright.
Here’s the truth bomb:
People are generally much worse at recognising the stress and pressure they are under personally than they are at recognising it in others. We are told to affix our masks before helping others but seldom does this play out in real life.
Even our CEO, Danielle Owen Whitford didn’t recognise the warning signs and reached burnout unexpectedly saying,
“In hindsight, it shouldn't have been unexpected as the signs were there physically and mentally but I ignored them all. I kept pushing myself harder and harder until I couldn't anymore.”
That’s why tools like Indie are crucial aides to help us take note of the markers and signs of stress. It’s not enough to just TELL us when we are stressed.
Science-backed tips to help break the cycle of stress, and provide windows of recovery will ultimately save us from burnout or continuously feeling a bit like that poor parcel.